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Somos COCOA - el Colegio de Comunicación y Artes Contemporáneas de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
Aquí encontrarán una mixtura de comunicadores, artistas, cineastas, diseñadores, entre otros, que les interesa comunicar sus ideas y proyectos al mundo. Nos motiva la CREATIVIDAD y PASION que tenemos por ser los mejores en nuestras carreras y esperamos que los jóvenes que ingresan al Colegio se contagien de esa visión.

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martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021

Avances Monumento Sixto

Avances del monumento a Sixto Durán Ballén por el profesor de Arte COCOA Howard Taikeff: “I took the removable head off to work on it from a more comfortable position. Alicia felt that I captured Sixto perfectly. Many also expressed the same sentiment. She said, “Don’t touch it!” Yet, I decided to work on it more because I was not completely satisfied. I did not feel that the head had enough form development or was resolved from all angles. I was not convinced that I had sculpted his eyes. There is always a risk to overworking the sculpture and losing something. Disagreements between artists and patrons are documented in art history. Rodin often fought with the State of France defending his artistic vision. Victor Hugo might never have been sculpted nude if it wasn’t for his persistence! Sixto will remain dressed. We started sculpting this work well before the City and Landmark Commission approved the project or any funds were collected. This has helped with the fundraising and approval of the work since people could see what they were supporting. On the other hand, it gave us more time to work on the sculpture instead of waiting. We have had time to rework things and come to the best solutions and results without feeling time constraints up to this point. I thank the University San Francisco Quito, my Dean Santiago Castellanos (C.O.C.O.A.) and my Coordinators, Debora Morillo and Willy Orellana for the support they have given me this summer which has been important in advancing quickly. The University of San Francisco’s name will appear near the artist’s signatures in recognition for their support.”